Hero Fest in Bern

Last weekend marked an unforgettable chapter in our ink-filled journey as we descended upon Bern for the Hero Fest. From the buzzing atmosphere to the vibrant cosplays, our booth became a hub of creativity and self-expression. Join us as we recapture the essence of those exhilarating days, where our needles danced to the rhythm of stories waiting to be told.
Hero Fest in Bern was an electrifying adventure as Joanna Betschart and I, Sarah Hernandez, set up our tattooing booth amidst the vibrant tapestry of characters and fandoms. From superheroes to fantastical realms, our booth became a canvas for storytelling through ink. The dynamic synergy between Joanna's and my distinctive styles created a gallery of diverse expressions. Beyond the buzzing atmosphere, Hero Fest fostered connections with a community that shares our love for the craft. Laughter, stories, and shared creativity turned our stand into a space for not just tattooing, but for weaving lasting memories. 

We can’t wait for next year and expereance it again with all the lovley people we meet on that weekend.


New Flashes


Tattoo Journey